Computer Systems and Programming Tools courseutils#

These are a set of tools for managing tasks and managing the markdown lesson plans.

Progress Reports

commands to generate progress reports

Badge Instructions

how to make a badge issue for a specific date


You can install after cloning to work locally or directly from github.

By clone#

You can clone first

git clone

and then install

pip install courseutils

(possibly pip3)

if you clone in order to develop, you may want to install with pip’s -e option

pip install -e courseutils

To update, pull and install again.

Direct install#

you can also install without cloning first with

pip install git+

Optionally, you can specify a branch to install, by default it installs main.

To update in this case, use the same command


The main use is as a CLI, for a list of all commands see the CLI page.

For use as a python library in component functions, see them in the python library page.