Office Hours & Communication

Office Hours & Communication#


Announcements will be made via GitHub Release. You can view them online in the releases page or you can get notifications by watching the repository, choosing “Releases” under custom see GitHub docs for instructions with screenshots. You can choose GitHub only or e-mail notificaiton from the notification settings page


For the first week announcements will be made by BrightSpace too, but after that, all course activities will be only on GitHub.

Help Hours#

Day Time Location Host
Monday 9am-12pm Zoom Ayman Sandouk

Online office hours locations and appointment links for alternative times are linked on the GitHub Organization Page


You can only see them if you are a “member”. To join, make sure that you have completed Lab 0.


Monday 10/14 5-7pm Help Hours will instead be on Tuesday 10/15 5-6pm because of the holiday schedule shift



Contribute a TLDR set of tabs or mermaid visual to this section for a community badge.

For assignment help#

  • use the badge issue for comments and @ mention instructors

  • send in advance, leave time for a response

  • always use issues in your repo for content directly related to assignments. If you push your partial work to the repository and then open an issue, we can see your work and your question at the same time and download it to run it if we need to debug something

  • use issues or discussions for questions about this syllabus or class notes. At the top right there’s a GitHub logo that allows you to open a issue (for a question) or suggest an edit (eg if you think there’s a tpo or you find an additional helpful resource related to something)


I check e-mail/github a small number of times per day, during work hours, almost exclusively. You might see me post to this site, post to BrightSpace, or comment on your assignments outside of my normal working hours, but I will not reliably see emails that arrive during those hours. This means that it is important to start assignments early.

For E-mail#

  • use e-mail only for things that need to be private to Dr. Brown and not seen by TAs

  • other messages may be addressed on your repo or the course website, without a response via email

  • Include [CSC311] in the subject line of your email along with the topic of your message. This is important, because your messages are important, but I also get a lot of e-mail. Consider these a cheat code to my inbox: I have setup a filter that will flag your e-mail if you include that in subject to ensure that I see it.

Should you e-mail your work?

No, request a pull request review or make an issue if you are stuck