About this Site

About this Site#

Welcome to the course website for Computer Systems and Programming Tools in Spring 2025.

This class meets TuTh 12:30PM - 1:45PM in Ranger 302 and lab on Monday 3:00PM - 4:45PM in Ranger 202.

This website will contain the syllabus, class notes, and other reference material for the class.

Reading each page#

Some pages of the syllabus and resources are also notebooks, if you want to see behind the curtain of how I manage the course information.

# this is a comment in a clode block
command argument --option -a
command output 
important line, emphasized

Try it Yourself

Notes will have exercises marked like this

Question from Class

Questions that are asked in class, but unanswered at that time will be answered in the notes and marked with a box like this. Long answers will be in the main notes

Further reading

Notes that are mostly links to background and context will be highlighted like this. These are optional, but will mostly help you understand code excerpts they relate to.


Both notes and assignment pages will have hints from time to time. Pay attention to these on the notes, they’ll typically relate to things that will appear in the assignment.

Click here!

Special tips will be formatted like this


Chances to earn community badges will sometimes be marked like this