Language/Shell Specific References

Language/Shell Specific References#

Bash commands#




print working directory

cd <path>

change directory to path

mkdir <name>

make a directory called name


list, show the files


create an empty file

echo 'message'

repeat ‘message’ to stdout


write redirect


append redirect

rm file

remove (delete) file


concatenate a file to standard out (show the file contents)

mv <old_path> <new_path>

Moves file from path to another (can be used to rename only)

cp <file> <path>

Copies the content of the file from into a new file (can be with or without the same name)

git commands#




describe what relationship between the working directory and git

clone <url>

make a new folder locally and download the repo into it from url, set up a remote to url

add  <file>

add file to staging area

commit -m 'message'

commit using the message in quotes


send to the remote

git log

show list of commit history

git branch

list branches in the repo

git branch new_name

create a new_name branch

git checkout -b new_Name

create a new_name branch and switch to it

git pull

apply or fetch and apply changes from a remote branch to a local branch

git commit -a -m 'msg'

the -a option adds modified files (but not untracked)

git restore <file>

Undo changes made to file since last commit

git restore --staged <file>

Remove file from staging area to be commited without undoing the changes done to it