Practice Badges#


these are listed by the date they were posted

Practice badges are a chance to first review the basics and then try new dimensions of the concepts that we cover in class. After each class, you will need to review the day’s material. This includes reviewing prismia chat to see any questions you got wrong and reading the notes. The practice badge will also ask you to apply the day’s material in a similar, but distinct way. They represent the minimum bar for B-level understanding.


related notes


  1. accept this assignment and join the existing team to get access to more features in our course organization.

  2. Post an introduction to your classmates on our discussion forum (include link to your comment in PR comment, must accept above to see)

  3. Read the notes from today’s class carefully

  4. Create a profile readme and include a screenshot of your profile

  5. Fill in the first two columns of your KWL chart (content of the PR; named to match the badge name)


related notes


Any steps in a badge marked lab are steps that we are going to focus in on during lab time. Remember the goal of lab is to help you complete the work, not add additional work. The lab checkout will include some other tasks and then we will encourage you to work on this badge while we are there to help. Lab checkouts are checked only for completion though, not correctness, so steps of activities that we want you to really think about and revise if incorrect will be in a practice or review badge.

  1. Read the notes. If you have any questions, post an issue on the course website repo.

  2. Using your terminal, download your KWL repo. Include the command used in your badge PR comment.

  3. Try using setting up git using your favorite IDE or GitHub Desktop. Make a file and include some notes of how it went. Was it hard? easy? what did you figure out or get stuck on? Is the terminology consistent or does it use different terms?

  4. lab Explore the difference between git add and git commit: try committing and pushing without adding, then add and push without committing. Describe what happens in each case in a file called Compare what happens based on what you can see on GitHub and what you can see with git status. Write a scenario with examples of how a person might make mistakes with git add and commit and what to look for to get unstuck.


related notes


Any steps in a badge marked lab are steps that we are going to focus in on during lab time. Remember the goal of lab is to help you complete the work, not add additional work. The lab checkout will include some other tasks and then we will encourage you to work on this badge while we are there to help. Lab checkouts are checked only for completion though, not correctness, so steps of activities that we want you to really think about and revise if incorrect will be in a practice or review badge.

  1. Read the notes. If you have any questions, post an issue on the course website repo.

  2. Using your terminal, download your KWL repo. Include the command used in your badge PR comment.

  3. Try using setting up git using your favorite IDE or GitHub Desktop. Make a file and include some notes of how it went. Was it hard? easy? what did you figure out or get stuck on? Is the terminology consistent or does it use different terms?

  4. lab Explore the difference between git add and git commit: try committing and pushing without adding, then add and push without committing. Describe what happens in each case in a file called Compare what happens based on what you can see on GitHub and what you can see with git status. Write a scenario with examples of how a person might make mistakes with git add and commit and what to look for to get unstuck.


related notes


  1. Create a merge conflict in your KWL repo on the branch for this issue and resolve it using your favorite IDE, then create one and resolve it on GitHub in browser (this requires the merge conflict to occur on a PR). Describe how you created it, show the files, and describe how your IDE helps or does not help in Give advice for when you think someone should resolve a merge conflict in GitHub vs using an IDE. (if you do not regulary use an, IDE, try VSCode) You can put content in the file for this step for the purpose of making the merge conflicts for this exercise.

  2. Learn about GitHub forks and more about git branches(you can also use other resources)

  3. In in your KWL repo, compare and contrast branches and forks; be specific about their relationship. You may use mermaid diagrams if that helps you think through or communicate the ideas. If you use other resources, include them in your file as markdown links.


related notes


  1. Update your KWL chart with any learned items.

  2. Get set up so that you can contribute to the course website repo from your local system. Note: you can pull from the compsys-progtools/fall2024 repo, but you do not not have push permission, so there is more to do than clone. Append the commands used and the contents of your fll2024/.git/configto a Then, using a text editor (or IDE), wrap each log with three backticks to make them fenced code blocks and add headings to the sections.

  3. learn about options for how git can display commit history. Try out a few different options. Choose two, write them both to a file (from the command line, not copy&paste), Then, using a text editor (or IDE), wrap each log with three backticks to make them fenced code blocks and then add text to the file describing a use case where that format in particular would be helpful.

Hint for working offline

Read about forks and working with remotes.