Prepare for the next class

Prepare for the next class#

These tasks are usually not based on material that we have already seen in class. Mostly they are to have you start thinking about the topic that we are about to cover before we do so. Often this will include reviewing related concepts that you should have learned in a previous course (like pointers from 211) Getting whatever you know about the topic fresh in your mind in advance of class helps your brain get ready to learn the new material more easily; brains learn by making connections.

Other times prepare tasks are to have you install things so that you can engage in the class.

The correct answer is not as important for these activities as it is to do them before class. We will build on these ideas in class. These are evaluated on completion only[1], but we may ask you questions or leave comments if appropriate, in that event you should reply and then we will approve.



related notes


  1. Find the glossary page for the course website, link it below. Review the terms for the next class: shell, terminal, bash, git, zsh, powershell, GitHub. Make a diagram using mermaid to highlight how these terms relate to one another. Put this in a file called on a branch linked to this issue.

  2. Check your kwl repo before class and see if you have recieved feedback, reply or merge accordingly.


Example “venn diagram “ with mermaid subgraphs

flowchart subgraph Browsers subgraph Safari end subgraph Chromium based gg[Google Chrome] me[Microsoft Edge] end end


related notes


  1. Find the glossary page for the course website, link it below. Review the terms for the next class: shell, terminal, bash, git, zsh, powershell, GitHub. Make a diagram using mermaid to highlight how these terms relate to one another. Put this in a file called on a branch linked to this issue.

  2. Check your kwl repo before class and see if you have recieved feedback, reply or merge accordingly.


Example “venn diagram “ with mermaid subgraphs

flowchart subgraph Browsers subgraph Safari end subgraph Chromium based gg[Google Chrome] me[Microsoft Edge] end end


related notes


Examine an open source software project and fill in the template below in a file called in your kwl repo on a branch that is linked to this issue. You do not need to try to understand how the code works for this exercise, but instead focus on how the repo is set up, what additional information is in there beyond the code. You may pick any mature open source project, meaning a project with recent commits, active PRs and issues, multiple contributors. In class we will have a discussion and you will compare what you found with people who examined a different project. Coordinate with peers (eg using the class discussion or in lab time) to look at different projects in order to discuss together in class.

## Software Reflection

Project : <markdown link to repo>


<!-- what is in the readme? how well does it help you  -->

## Contents 

<!-- denote here types of files (code, what languages, what other files) -->

## Automation

<!-- comment on what types of stuff is in the .github directory -->

## Documentation

<!-- what support for users? what for developers? code of conduct? citation? -->

## Hidden files and support
 <!-- What type of things are in the hidden files? who would need to see those files vs not? -->

Some open source projects if you do not have one in mind:


related notes


  1. Bring git questions or scenarios you want to be able to solve to class on Thursday (in your mind or comment here if that helps you remember)

  2. Try read and understand the workflow files in your KWL repo, the goal is not to be sure you understand every step, but to get an idea about the big picture ideas and just enough to complete the following. Try to modify files, on a prepare branch, so that your name is already filled in and VioletVex is already requested as a reviewer when your experience badge (inclass) action runs. We will give the answer in class, but especially do not do this step on the main branch it could break your action. Hints: Look for bash commands that we have seen before and cp copies a file.