Review Badges#

Review After Class#

After each class, you will need to review the day’s material. This includes reviewing prismia chat to see any questions you got wrong and reading the notes. Review activities will help you to reinforce what we do in class and guide you to practice with the most essential skills of this class, they represent the minimum bar for C level work.


related notes



related notes


Any steps in a badge marked lab are steps that we are going to focus in on during the next lab time. Remember the goal of lab is to help you complete the work, not add additional work. The lab checkout will include some other tasks and then we will encourage you to work on this badge while we are there to help. Lab checkouts are checked only for completion though, not correctness, so steps of activities that we want you to really think about and revise if incorrect will be in a practice or review badge.

  1. Read the notes. If you have any questions, post an issue on the course website repo.

  2. Using your terminal, download your KWL repo. Include the command used in your badge PR.

  3. Try using setting up git using your favorite IDE or GitHub Desktop. Make a file and include some notes of how it went. Was it hard? easy? what did you figure out or get stuck on? Is the terminology consistent or does it use different terms?

  4. lab Explore the difference between git add and git commit: try committing and pushing without adding, then add and push without committing. Describe what happens in each case in a file called Compare what happens based on what you can see on GitHub and what you can see with git status.


related notes


Any steps in a badge marked lab are steps that we are going to focus in on during the next lab time. Remember the goal of lab is to help you complete the work, not add additional work. The lab checkout will include some other tasks and then we will encourage you to work on this badge while we are there to help. Lab checkouts are checked only for completion though, not correctness, so steps of activities that we want you to really think about and revise if incorrect will be in a practice or review badge.

  1. Read the notes. If you have any questions, post an issue on the course website repo.

  2. Using your terminal, download your KWL repo. Include the command used in your badge PR.

  3. Try using setting up git using your favorite IDE or GitHub Desktop. Make a file and include some notes of how it went. Was it hard? easy? what did you figure out or get stuck on? Is the terminology consistent or does it use different terms?

  4. lab Explore the difference between git add and git commit: try committing and pushing without adding, then add and push without committing. Describe what happens in each case in a file called Compare what happens based on what you can see on GitHub and what you can see with git status.


related notes


  1. Create a merge conflict in your github in class repo and resolve it using your favorite IDE,. Describe how you created it, show the files, and describe how your IDE helps or does not help in Give advice for when you think someone should resolve a merge conflict manually vs using an IDE. (if you do not regulary use an, IDE, try VSCode)

  2. Read more details about git branches(you can also use other resources) add to your KWL repo and describe how branches work, in your own words. Include one question you have about branches or one scenario you think they could help you with.


related notes


  1. Update your KWL chart with the new items and any learned items.

  2. Clone the course website. Append the commands used and the contents of your fall2024/.git/configto a (hint: history outputs recent commands and redirects can work with any command, not only echo). Edit the, commit, and try to push the changes. Describe what the error means and which GitHub Collaboration Feature you think would enable you to push? (answer in the