Team Repo#


We will not use this in spring 2024


Your team repo is a place to build up a glossary of key terms and a “cookbook” of “recipes” of common things you might want to do on the shell, bash commands, git commands and others.

For the glossary, follow the jupyterbook syntax.

For the cookbook, use standard markdown.

to denote code inline use single backticks

to denote code inline `use single backticks`

to make a code block use 3 back ticks

to make a code block use 3 back ticks

To nest blocks use increasing numbers of back ticks.

To make a link, [show the text in squarebrackets](url/in/parenthesis)


You will be in a “team” that is your built in collaboration group to practice using Git Collaboratively.
There will be assignments that are to be completed in that repo as well. These activities will be marked accordingly. You will take turns and each of you is required to do the initialization step on a recurring basis.

This is also where you can ask questions and draft definitions to things.

Peer Review#

If there are minor errors/typos, suggest corrections inline.

In your summary comments answer the following:

  • Is the contribution clear and concise? Identify any aspect of the writing that tripped you up as a reader.

  • Are the statements in the contribution verifiable (either testable or cited source)? If so, how do you know they are correct?

  • Does the contribution offer complete information? That is, does it rely on specific outside knowledge or could another CS student not taking our class understand it?

  • Identify one strength in the contribution, and identify one aspect that could be strengthened further.

Choose an action:

  • If the suggestions necessary before merging, select request changes.

  • If it is good enough to merge, mark it approved and open a new issue for the broader suggestions.

  • If you are unsure, post as a comment and invite other group members to join the discussion.