Windows Help & Notes


Windows Help & Notes#

CRLF Warning#

This is GitBash telling you that git is helping. Windows uses two characters for a new line CR (cariage return) and LF (line feed). Classic Mac Operating system used the CR character. Unix-like systems (including MacOS X) use only the LF character. If you try to open a file on Windows that has only LF characters, Windows will think it’s all one line. To help you, since git knows people collaborate across file systems, when you check out files from the git database (.git/ directory) git replaces LF characters with CRLF before updating your working directory.

When working on Windows, when you make a file locally, each new line will have CRLF in it. If your collaborator (or server, eg GitHub) runs not a unix or linux based operating system (it almost certainly does) these extra characters will make a mess and make the system interpret your code wrong. To help you out, git will automatically, for Windows users, convert CRLF to LF when it adds your work to the index (staging area). Then when you push, it’s the compatible version.

git documentation of the feature